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Manufacturers are working harder than ever to create high-performance items that reduce the negative impact on the environment as a result of energy costs and concerns about global warming.
To address these difficulties, the most significant technological breakthrough in coatings is the development of solar reflective coatings. This approach reflects the harmful rays away from a building’s surface.
Solar reflective coatings prevent harmful sun rays from entering. The technology behind these coatings is rather simple, but it has a large effect on energy consumption. As a result of breakthroughs in coating chemistry and the creation of solar reflective pigments, these limitations are now a thing of the past.
We introduce our own specifically manufactured Solar Reflective – Bitumen Aluminium paint, this is ideal for residential and industrial roofing, storage tanks, silos, stable felt, mobile homes etc.
The purpose of this project is to lower energy costs by reducing the urban heat island1 effect. The urban area can be made cooler by applying solar reflective coatings, which in turn reduces energy costs.
We will explain what urban heat is just after the list of key benefits.
The reflectivity of these surfaces can keep the indoor temperature up to 5-10 degrees cooler than the outside temperature. Moreover, solar reflectivity will also reduce your energy bill (as above) by reflecting the heat from the sun that would have been absorbed by the pavement.
Solar reflective coatings are not only beneficial for residential properties but also for commercial properties such as shopping centres, office buildings, and schools.
Reflective roof coating systems can prevent a roof from ageing prematurely and cracking by intercepting most of the UV radiation that would otherwise degrade the roof, this is the biggest and most common problem for leaks when the seasons change, blisters and cracks will result from the sun’s excessive heat and UV radiation.
A reflective roof coating system is required to block the sun’s warmth and UV radiation, which would otherwise dry the roof’s surface and cause premature ageing. If a reflective roof coating system or Cool Roof is not installed, the roof will absorb these rays, resulting in the roof membrane drying out, cracking, and chalking. During temperature fluctuations and building movement, the roof membrane will tear and rip, resulting in leaks.
The elevated temperatures experienced in urban areas as compared to rural areas are known as the urban heat island effect, and the fact that artificial surfaces retain heat for long periods and prevent the cooling effect of vegetation is an important aspect of this effect. UHI (urban heat island effect) has been reported to raise temperatures by as much as 8 degrees Celsius in the UK, while London-sized cities have seen temperatures of up to 10 degrees Celsius.
Fun Fact: The sun is a massive 93 million miles away from Earth.
Everything you need to know about Bitumen paint is discussed in our dedicated post here
Clean the surface from all dust and debris, if there is a lot of stubborn dirt that you cannot remove, you could use a pressure washer or go with good old elbow grease.
Note 1: Please take special precautions on surfaces pre-1960s as they may contain harmful lead.
Note 2: You will get the best results when painting in warm, dry conditions. Preferably no lower than 10°C
The UK isn’t known for its perfect summers, but it does get hot from time to time!
We hope that by reading this blog, knowing which products you will need and the process behind applying our Solar reflective paints to your roof surface that you’ll be able to save energy, reduce the temperature inside your home and learnt a thing or two!
Our customer service team are always at hand to help you with any questions you may have, feel free to contact us via the following:
Email: [email protected]
Call Us: 01942 884 122
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Solar Reflective Bitumen Aluminium Paint is used to overcoat bitumen based surfaces to protect them against degradation. Acts as a finish coat that decorates, protects and preserves, enhancing the lifespan of bitumen-type roofing materials.
Our bitumen aluminium is ideal for roofing, storage tanks, silos and stable felt as well as caravans and mobile homes. Because it reflects UV light and heat, it can also help reduce fungal growth. Buildings without insulation such as stables, industrial/commercial buildings, garages and animal housing can become extremely warm under the heat of the sun…even here in the UK.