2K Epoxy Primer 4.6lt with activator

Indura 2K Epoxy High Build Primer is a premium quality Epoxy Metal Primer for Commercial and Industrial applications. Ideal as a base coat for commercial vehicles and Standard corrosion protection systems for buildings.



From £93.68 Excl. VAT



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Indura 2K Epoxy High Build Primer is a premium quality epoxy metal primer for Commercial and Industrial applications. Two Pack Epoxy Primer uses Zinc Phosphates to give the epoxy primer excellent anti corrosive properties, and has enhanced adhesion as it also contains an etching additive.

2 Pack Epoxy Primer is the most substantial way to prevent rust so is ideal as a base coat for commercial vehicle refinishes and Standard corrosion protection systems for buildings.

Two Part Epoxy Primer is the best way to seal metal surfaces making it an excellent choice for stripped back metal surfaces or new fabricated metal items.

Two Part Epoxy primer forms a non porous coating which tightly bonds and seals when applied to bare metal surfaces


  • Epoxy – Polyamide with activated zinc phosphates
  • High etching adhesion
  • High resistance to chemicals
  • Smooth finish
  • Good chemical and mechanical resistance
  • Achieves Standard systems for C rated environment categories

Suitable surfaces: Iron, light alloys, galvanised sheet, sand blasted steel

Supplied as a 3.6lt – 4lt base (based on colour) with a 1lt Hardener.

Applying 2k Epoxy Primer will assist in achieving the following environmental protection systems recommended for structural steelwork and will give extended protection (see below).

  • Interior Hidden steel work

    • Standard systems for C3, medium risk environment category – IH-C3-C

  • Interior Visible steel work

    • Standard systems for C2 for low risk environment category – IV-C2-B
      • coating Life 15 years
    • Standard systems for C3 for medium risk environment category – IV-C3-C
      • coating Life 20 years (note 1)

Please note : The thickness values given for primers are the total thickness used and may include a pre fabrication primer. 

  • Exterior Visible steel work

    • Standard systems for C3 for  medium risk environment category – E-C3-C
      • coating Life 20 years

GHS Flammable  ghs09  ghs 07  GHS08 Label


Drying Times @20°C:
Flash off: 10 mins
Dust free: 30mins
Through dry: 24 hrs
Full cure: 28 days
Overcoating window: 6hrs to max 96hrs, after this sanding is required

Oven bake times
Flash off: 10 mins
50°C for: 30 mins
Typical Dry Film Thickness: 50 microns

Covering Capacity:
7m2 per litre @ 50um DFT

Composition: Epoxy polyamide
SG: 1.3
VOC: 400 g/l

Thinning and Cleaning: Dilute 5-10% with T43 or T45 thinners.

If using more than one batch of the same colour, intermix before use

(Coverage rate can be affected by such variables as type and condition of substrate, type of application equipment and individual method of application.)


Proper surface preparation is essential for the success of any protective coating system. Before you begin ensure the area is free from any dust, oil, grease, old coatings and surface contaminants.

Ideal enhanced protection beneath Palatine’s selected Top Coats.
For a single pack alternative use Palatine Fast Dry etching primer.
A test area on unknown previously painted surfaces must be carried out prior to full application
Rub down previously gloss painted surfaces with fine waterproof abrasive paper and rinse thoroughly.


Best results are obtained in warm (minimum 10°C), dry conditions.

Mix thoroughly for approximately 2 minutes using a drill stirrer. A wooden batten at least 25mm wide is also ideal.
For spray application by either airless or conventional spray a dilution ration of no more than 10% is recommended with Palatine Multi Purpose Thinners by volume.
Apply an even coat using a brush (rapid strokes) or a solvent resistant roller.
For application onto wooden surfaces, a minimum of two coats is recommended.

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2K Epoxy Primer 4.6lt with Activator
2K Epoxy Primer 4.6lt with activator
From £93.68 Excl. VAT Select options