Carbosealit Bitumen Mastic

Carbosealit Roofing mastic is a highly viscous solution of modified bitumen, fillers and fibres in solvent. Apply by trowel to repair and fill large cracks and holes

  • General purpose roof coating for trowel application
  • For repairing and filling large cracks and holes
  • Use, reseal, waterproof and repair many different types of roof coverings

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£4.86 (Excl. VAT)

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Palatine bitumen mastic for roofs is a highly viscous solution of modified bitumen, mineral fillers and fibres and non-drying oils that add strength and stability to the coating

  • A general purpose roof coating for trowel application for repairing and filling large cracks and holes.
  • Best used to reseal, waterproof and repair many different types of roof coverings, such as asphalt roofs, felt roofs, concrete roofs, asbestos-cement sheeting & cladding, metal sheeting including iron, steel, zinc and lead, and slates and tiles.
  • Joint-sealing in gutters, spouts, down-pipes, between corrugated asbestos-cement and iron sheeting’s, around skylights and pre-cast concrete units.
  • Not suitable for use on PVC.
  • Bedding tiles, slates and flashings in position.

GHS Flammable ghs09 ghs 07 GHS08 Label

If you have any questions regarding bituminous mastic for roofs or require any further assistance, please contact us on 01942 884122 or email [email protected]


Best results are obtained in warm (minimum 10°C), dry conditions.

Carbotex Roofing Compound should normally be applied in two coats at 2-14m² per litre depending upon porosity of the surface.Recommended for brush or trowel application

Mix thoroughly for approximately 2 minutes using a drill stirrer. A wooden batten at least 25mm wide is also ideal.
Thinning and Cleaning: Use Palatine White Spirit.

(Coverage rate can be affected by such variables as type and condition of substrate, type of application equipment and individual method of application.)

Technical Information

Weight N/A
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1 Litre, 2.5 Litre, 5 Litre

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Carbosealit Bitumen Mastic
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