Teamac Metaclor Underwater Primer

A modified chlorinated rubber based primer containing Zinc Phosphate, designed for use as an underwater primer for Teamac Antifouling Coatings.

  • Provides added protection to steel
  • Suitable for Steel, Wood and GRP
  • For interior and exterior use
  • Colour: Metallic Grey
  • Matt Finish


£22.63 (Excl. VAT)

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Product Description

Metaclor Underwater Primer is a modified chlorinated rubber based primer designed for wood, steel and GRP. It also contains Zinc Phosphate, which provides added protection from rust and corrosion when applying to steel surfaces.

The primer is designed for use before one of the Teamac range of antifouling coatings. If you’re not sure which antifouling coating you require, the properties and compatible surfaces for each are listed on the product pages. You can also contact us by web chat, phone or email, where our team will be able to answer any questions you have about this or any of the products we supply.

This coating is also suitable for use as a sealer coat over most conventional systems. If you’re not sure if it would be compatible with a your current coating, please contact us, and we will be able to let you know.

Metaclor Underwater Primer provides a Matt finish and can be applied by brush or airless spray. The coating is touch dry in 30 minutes and hard dry in 6 hours. When overcoating, leave a minimum of 8 hours before applying the next coat.

GHS Flammable ghs 07

Surface Preparation

Ensure all surfaces are clean, dry and free from grease, oil and any other contaminates. Bare steel should be free from dust, rust and scale. Blast cleaning to SA 2½ is recommended. If blast cleaning is impractical, mechanical cleaning should be employed but hand cleaning does not
clean the steel to the required degree. Any oil or grease should be removed with solvent before de-rusting. Where blast cleaning is carried out after assembly, special attention must be paid to edges, corners, nuts, bolts welds, etc. Welds should, if necessary be ground and all weld spatter, slag etc. must be removed.

Existing painted surfaces – Surfaces should be cleaned, degreased and sanded to ensure an adequate “key” is produced. Remove all loose and flaking material and treat bare areas as new substrate and prepare accordingly. Apply to small test area first to ensure no reaction with conventional paints. Maintenance: Remove all marine growth, oil and grease. High pressure wash with fresh water. Remove all loose coating and power tool clean areas of breakdown. Bare areas should be spot primed to full film thickness prior to application of full coat.

Mixing Instructions

Mix well before use.

Application Conditions

As dictated by normal good painting practice. In confined spaces, provide adequate ventilation during application and drying.

Preceding Coat

Directly onto base prepared steelwork or wood. Can be applied to old, aged coatings including antifouling after recommended preparation.

Subsequent Coat

Teamac Antifouling paints or part of a specified Teamac anti-corrosive system.


Apply to small test area first to ensure no reaction with conventional paints.

Estimated Coverage

6.5-10sqm per litre


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