Thermoguard Wallcoat Intumescent Basecoat

Thermoguard Wallcoat is a white intumescent basecoat (part of a complete system) to upgrade potentially dangerous ‘multi-layer’ – previously painted – walls & ceilings in communal areas:

  • Controls surface spread of flame and fire propagation to Class 0 & EN Class B
  • Achieves EU and new British safety standards on walls and ceilings
  • For painted plaster, Artex, plasterboard, brick and concrete

£114.00 (Excl. VAT)

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Product Description

Thermoguard Wallcoat is a white intumescent basecoat (part of a complete system) to upgrade potentially dangerous ‘multi-layer’ – previously painted – walls & ceilings in communal areas:

  • Controls surface spread of flame and fire propagation to Class 0 & EN Class B
  • Achieves EU and new British safety standards on walls and ceilings
  • For painted plaster, Artex, plasterboard, brick and concrete

The  Fire Safety Order 2005 requires compliance with current fire standards for corridors, stairways and entrance lobbies.


Application Conditions
Min 8°C max 30°C.
Max relative Humidity 75%.
Surface should be at least 3°C above the dew point, free from condensation

All surfaces must be clean and dry. Remove all possible surface contaminates such as grease, smoke residues, silicates etc.
Seal water-stain risks with stain blocking sealer suitable to overcoat with water-based acrylic paints.
Abrade hard or smooth surfaces with wetted 120 grit wet-or dry abrasive or dust extracting abrader. Rinse off slurry while still damp. When dry, remove any loose or suspect material back to firm edge.
Fill and repair any damage to the substrate using a good quality remedial filler.

Apply one coat of Thermoguard Wallcoat Insulating Basecoat
To be overcoated with Wallcoat Anti-Microbial Smoke & Flame Retardant
Apply at rate stated on can or specification to protect surfaces & enable project Certification

Brush or Roller
Woven fabric roller sleeves and synthetic bristle brushes

Pressure Pot & Gun conventional unit with small compressor:
Ensure all traces of solvent flushed out. Thin 5 > 10% with water to spray viscosity. Adjust fluid flow & air flow as normal for acrylic emulsion paint.
OR Airless Graco 1500, 3500 or equivalent. 3/8” line, 30 mesh filter on machine, no filter in gun. 521,523, 621 or 623 tip.
Ensure coverage is applied as per can i.e., 25 sqm can covers 25 sqm

Return as much unused material to its original container as possible. Wash brushes rollers and guns with clean waters immediately following use.

Follow on-can guide to coverage, do not overspread as this compromises the system and results in non-compliance and inability to certify.

Drying Times
In normal conditions touch dry one hour
Overpaintable with Wallcoat Anti-Microbial SFR after 4 hours.


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Thermoguard Wallcoat Intumescent Basecoat
£114.00 (Excl. VAT) Select options